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I've noticed the in-game brightness setting has no effect, both on OpenGL 1.0 and 3.2. vid_gamma also has no effect no wonder what number i put. Is there any other way to change gamma?

Last update a year ago. The game's performance is unstable and constantly hitches with "bad connection" on the screen. The mouse aiming and FOV are better, but it's just barely playable.


I just released version 1.2, which might fix the hitching issue.

I need help, i installed the mod but when run, crash saying: the patch dll is missing, please reinstall the mod. i already reinstalled but the error continues.I am using the gog version of the game. sorry for my bad english

Are you using the Unofficial Patch? If so, you will need to remove it as it's not compatible with this port.

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I don't know, could you send me or tell me a tutorial on how to install the mod or make it work properly please? I want play this mod so much

Ok I got Sin to work but how I do change screen resolution to whatever I want

In the main menu, navigate to the "Controls" menu. Then, navigate to "Video Controls". From there, you should see an option called "Video Mode". Press the left and right arrows to cycle through resolutions.

Thank you so much after I finish the Doom mod I started I will start my playthrough of Sin much appreciated

Ok I downloaded it and installed it couldn't get it to work I put all of the files from my Sin base directory into the Dominatrix source port directory including the movies but Dominatrix just kicks me out when I push a button during the video

Just wanted to spread some positivity, but good job on this port! I've been waiting for a better way to play SiN for awhile! Cheers man!

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Got no dialog voices during cutscenes, anyway to fix this ?

Are you playing the base campaign with Wages of SiN by any chance?

Yeah, i just test the base campaign with Wages of SiN without the source port, it works i have dialog voices but not with Dominatrix sadly

This should now be fixed in version 1.2.

Nice ! I will try one day =)

Any plans for a version 1.2?


I'd like to release one in the future but I don't have time at the moment.

how do I change controller sensitivity? 

For now, you have to adjust 2 variables in your default.cfg. I made a post about it here:

As of version 1.2, the sensitivity of the right stick is affected by mouse sensitivity.

Is the Quantum Destabilizer broken for anyone else? When I pick it up for the first time it just loops the raise animation, when I try to switch to another weapon it just loops the lower animation, and when I fire it keeps firing until I try to switch to another weapon

Strange, I'm not getting that issue, but I'm just entering the "get all weapons cheat" in the training map and switching there. I'll try to see if the issue happens in normal play.

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It happened in my main campaign playthrough when I picked it up at the end of the Manumit/Mutated Blade level

Классный порт для игры.Давно хотел поиграть в игру снова,но под Linux она не выходила,а с этим портом я смогу в неё играть.Авторам спасибо

This is really great and makes the game better then the Nightdive gold release. Considering all the DLL used here are well maintained open source projects have you considered compiling a mac build? If you can't you may consider reaching out to the Mac Source ports guy because he can do it. I know he has compiled other projects for people on mac where the source code is not public like Daikatana.

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Just tested a little bit the base game, well better to use your source port, it's a great job ! However, how do i launch Wages of SiN ? I have SiN Gold on GoG

Edit: Alright, i was able to launch Wages of SiN but when i start a game, it says that the game can't find maps

How did you end up launching Wages of Sin? Been trying to figure that out as well...

Literally a godsend, I've been trying to get into playing SiN for years and finally have been able to thanks to your source port. Keep up the excellent work!

Do you have any plans to tackle fixing the laggy movement codes where player movement is tied to tickrate? It is a complete dealbreaker for me and makes the game nearly unplayable.

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edit: nvm, I got some other unofficial patch for 1.13, so it was like modded game; that's why I got this saves error (I'll keep original comment for the future)

I applied Dominatrix on Steam edition, but when I removed it and I wanted to play "vanilla" 1.12 Sin, my saves doesn't work anymore. :(

At the finish of loading the save, it shows console with this message:

"ERROR: Game Error: Error while loading players/blade/save/current/bank.sav : Expecting vector"

Any idea what to do? I was in the middle of the campaign. Of course I didn't overwrite my old saves with dominatrix one. Save files was untouched by me. :(

The aiming is way too fast when using a controller, is there any way I can tweak it or no?

For now, try editing the m_yaw and m_pitch cvars in base/default.cfg. In the future I will try adding an in-game slider.

As of version 1.2, the sensitivity of the right stick is affected by mouse sensitivity.

Maybe I'm blind and missing instructions written somewhere, but I just want to make sure: what data files specifically should I be copying over from my Steam install? Just the three pak files in the 2015 and base folders?

Or should I instead be extracting the zip into the Steam install folder and overwriting as necessary? Not sure if there's any leftover files there that should get removed.


Extracting the zip into the Steam folder should be fine - just backup sin.exe if you want to play the Steam version. The only file that will be overwritten is default.cfg, but that's only because mine sets some default gamepad buttons  if you want to use one. Otherwise, the original default.cfg should run fine.

Thanks, just wanted to make sure that was the preferred way of doing it!

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Holy shit, I've been waiting for SiN Reloaded but now there's this and I'm extremely happy about it. Good job, however there are some problems or ideas I wish we're added in the future:

  • Fix the weird floaty movement so it's more like Quake 2's or Half-Life's or anything for that matter
  • Have options to turn off the Quake 2 vertex jitter on models
  • Add HUD Scaling of some kind
  • Menu text scroll sound is loud (like in the 1998 original release) compared to Gold
  • Add a FOV slider of some kind
  • Rope climbing in Wages of SiN doesn't seem to work

There's probably more I can probably think off but holy shit, good job. Props to you, you've just made my day.


Thanks for downloading! Some good suggestions here, but I'm not sure what you mean by HUD scaling - do you mean that you want it smaller? It is currently larger than it is in the official release.

I believe rope physics should work, but I'll check them again.

Yeah, I meant I want it smaller through a slider or some method. It's a tiny bit too big for my resolution (1600x900 windowed).


The source port is great! Been waiting for this for a long time!

I am getting screen tearing, and Vsync doesn't seem to be working. Do you know of any way to fix that? Thanks

I'm not sure. Unfortunately, I'm not very sensitive to screen tearing so fixing it wasn't a priority. Maybe try finding solutions to vsync on Quake 2 and see if they work here? Sorry if this isn't helpful.

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I noticed that after updating my graphics driver I started having the same issue with screen tearing, and while I wasn't able to find a solution inside Dominatrix itself, I did manage to force Vsync on with Special K. I recommend trying that if you're still having this issue. You'll have to manually add Dominatrix to the Special K library, but after doing that just launch the game through the Special K interface and use the in-game overlay menu to force Vsync.

Great stuff, been waiting for something like this for a long time!

I do however have some suggestions and bugs to report, so I'll list those below. 

1. Crosshair scaling: would be much appreciated if the crosshair was scaled just like the rest of the HUD.

2. Widescreen compatible FOV: currently the FOV doesn't compensate for widescreen resolutions, so you have to increase the FOV to match the original 4:3 vertical FOV.

3. The text sound in the menus is a lot more noisy and rapid than in v1.13.

4. Game sounds still play when the game is paused in the menus.

I know this is based on leaked code, but I think some sort of page for submitted suggestions and reporting bugs would be much appreciated.

Hey, Rohit, thank you so much for this, I really appreciate this thing you've worked on!  It's really important to me to open this comment about bugs with that, because I want to contextualize the rest as being little nerd nitpicks that are towered over by my gratitude for this cool thing.  Good job!!!!

Okay now that this sounds less like I'm a crank poking holes in this:  I echo crosshair scaling, and also IMO the console itself should scale.  All the 2D elements should scale, I think?

I don't think I noticed the text sound in the menus being that different, but it may have been.  I do recall the pre-steam version having that sound be jarringly loud and maybe distorted somehow.

The big audio issue for me is ambient sound effects are noticeably louder relative to voice callouts and gunshoots than they are in the base GOG version.  It may be an attenuation thing, given that it seems very abrupt how quickly they disappear outside of their areas of effect.

Anyway, cutscene and console FOV is a huge huge fix, so let me wrap up by saying:

Thanks for the kind words! I'll definitely take a look at console and crosshair scaling for the next update. I'll take a look at sound too, it may be the attenuation model I use for OpenAL.

Thanks for downloading. In the future, I'll try including a modified menu file that will include an FOV slider, since someone else wanted it. I'll take a look at your other suggestions too - multiple people have mentioned the menu sound issue, it's strange. The issue seems related to the data files I test with.

For now, a good place to send bug reports is on the Github repo.

this is awesome. Thank you

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Hey Rohit, nice work on this port. I just want to load my config file, "config.cfg", that has rebinded weapon slots but Dominatrix won't pick it up even if I put it in the root folder next to the exe. I also tried putting these bindings in autoexec.cfg in the "base" folder since the terminal seems to pick that up but my bindings don't work. Anything I'm doing wrong from here?

Edit: NVM, found Dominatrix folder in appdata.

Yeah, Dominatrix doesn't read configs/saves from its game directory now. In the future, I might update it and allow the player to set a cvar if they want the old behavior back.

Heya. I was actually gonna make separate comment asking for so-called portable behavior at least on Windows. ie, Dominatrix lives in just its own folder tree and doesn't store data elsewhere.

I really like all my apps and games to keep their data to themselves, in their own folder. Two reasons are having the files live in various places makes things hard to back up / archive, and at risk of accidental deletion when the user does an OS reinstall.

I've got a weird issue - the game's logo is constantly flickering in the corner of the screen during gameplay and the movement is super jerky. Win10.

I think this is a high refresh-rate issue. Try going into the console (~) and entering "cl_maxfps 10" and see if that works (don't worry, it shouldn't actually set the FPS to 10)

I'll need to see how that command works and figure out a better way to handle this.

Huh, it does work!


I'm wondering why my video and control settings aren't saving after a game restart...

Can you confirm if there is a "dominatrix" directory and config.cfg in your user folder? On Windows this should be in "AppData\Roaming\dominatrix\base".

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Yeah, anyways I solved it by putting the cvars and binds in the autoexec.cfg files inside the "base" and "2015" folders instead

Same issue here and your solution helped, thank you.

Hey, I just wanted to say, thank you very much for this. I've been waiting for years for a SiN source port, and it's finally here, It works great. I would like to report a little issue with the controller support however, when I have 4 weapons selectable in the weapon radial menu It's almost impossible to select the weapon located on the slot at the right of the screen, for some reason it ends up pushing back to the other weapons slots, so I can't select Blade's Magnum at the beginning.

I think it would be a good idea to implement aim assist too, because trying to aim at an enemy with the right analog stick without aim assist is very difficult.

Thanks for downloading it. I agree that the radial menu needs work - I've had issues trying to select the bottom weapon. I'll try to have this fixed eventually.

Aim assist is a neat idea, but would take a little more work.

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Thanks for the reply. Also I don't know If it's in your plans, but SiN is known for having a very slippery player movement which doesn't feel very smooth, and from my knowledge it's because the game runs at an internal 10hz tickrate. Maybe It would be good to raise the tickrate to make player control feel more smooth, the Quake 2 remaster did It. Then again, I don't know If you plan to change this behaviour

You can fix the slippery movement with the command "cl_predict 0"

At least on my end, "cl_predict 0" unfortunately adds noticeable input delay to the movement keys.

Yes unfortunately, but you can wait for Rohit to increase the server's tickrate in a future update maybe

Weapon radial menu behavior is improved in version 1.2.